Friday, May 22, 2009


Melvin was a turtle born into a most unusual circumstance. After weeks of concentration and furious effort, he finally cracked through his egg to find himself along a major highway.

1 comment:

  1. As it does every summer day in west Texas, the sun began heating up the pavement. This made Melvin uncomfortable, and he started thinking about moving on. Before he could make a plan, he heard something clamp down on his halfshell, and felt some hot breath in his ear. "Hay-Zeus, what on earth... what on earth are you doing? Let go of that!" And with that, Melvin was released from the jaws of Hay-Zeus, a lumbering bloodhound with a knack for tripping over his own ears. A man grabbed Hay-Zeus by the scruff, and checked his mouth and gums for anything else he might have picked up. Seeing nothing, he turned his attention to Melvin. "Now what kind of a dimwit turtle hangs out on the highway? Well c'mon, c'mon in the truck, I'll give you a ride down the road."
